12.9 Blood Glucose

Since 1998, when I start­ed record­ing the re­sults of my blood tests, my blood glu­cose has most­ly been with­in the nor­mal range. It was el­e­vat­ed in the first test, in 1988. At that time I was over­weight and my diet was high in fat. Since then my diet has changed and the blood glu­cose read­ing has im­proved. Here are the num­bers.
Range 75–105
9/88 104
9/99 88
9/00 86
3/03 101
3/05 98
4/06 89
3/08 92
9/11 85
4/15 90

Th­ese num­bers show that I am not at risk for di­a­betes. Count 0 metabol­ic syn­drome points for blood glu­cose.

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