Here is the hardest thing you will have to do: stop focusing on your weight.
Your goal is to implement the SWLL; it doesn’t matter what the scale says. Your primary measures are things like: Have I reduced my fat intake? How much aerobic exercise did I do today? What is the trend of steps taken, as reported by my pedometer? Were today’s meals sufficient to allay hunger while keeping within my calorie target? Have I binged this week?
This is akin to learning to play the piano. Your long term goal may be to give a concert at Carnegie Hall, but right now you have to master the scales. Similarly, your long term goal may be to have a svelte, healthy, and athletic body, but right now you need to implement the components of the SWLL.
Does this mean that you must ignore your weight? No, it is perfectly acceptable to weigh yourself every day and to track the results. What is not acceptable is to become discouraged because you are losing weight slowly. At first you may not be losing any weight at all. But that’s OK. If you conscientiously adopt the SWLL you will inevitably attain your weight goals.